Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Snow and Some Carpentry, Too

October 28, 2013

I looked out the window and what did I see?
Oh no, it's started! This was our car Tuesday morning. As you can see, there's something very wrong with the body and windshield. It's not even Halloween yet.

Inline image 1

This week we didn't get to teach many people, but we got to do a lot of service. We split wood for two families and got to help a member of the ward build a log pavilion where he's going to keep a bunch of his stuff while he works on the interior of his house this winter. His house is a two-story 40x40 log cabin with a huge fireplace right in the middle to heat everything. We helped him set up log trusses for the roof of the pavilion (which is much, much smaller than the house) so that he can mark them and cut out the grooves where they will rest on the frame. I didn't think to bring my camera, but I can ask him for one of the pictures he took.

We got to teach Rob and Danielle, two new investigators, and they were going to come to church, but they didn't show up. I think we need to introduce them to a few members so they feel comfortable coming. They seem really cool though. We'll get to see them again this week, so we can teach them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end). We also got to teach a family about how they can share the Book of Mormon with their friends. As Elder Chapman would say, skizzies!

Love, Elder Jon Harrison Richins

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