The fruits of the Gospel are sweet!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
The fruits of the gospel are not zucchini
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Tuna Casserole and Peter Parker
I'm back in Haverhill most of the time, which is great especially when we get to walk. We get to talk with so many people, it's just awesome. A lot of the people here believe in a lot of things. We met a man who believes that the African-Americans are the real Jews from Christ's time and that they fled into Egypt from the invading Romans, so the Egyptians sold them into slavery to the Europeans. That's right. It's Haverhill, Baby!
Now I want to talk about food. Food for missionaries is an interesting subject, because we really love eating it, but we put as little effort into making it as possible. Well, not as little as possible, but we could definitely be trying harder. I think I'm doing pretty well on recipes. We make a lot of pasta, and sometimes we mix in tuna and cream of mushroom soup. It makes an easy tuna casserole, but we never have time to bake it.
We found a donut-hole machine at the church, like a kids electric one that someone left there months ago, and made pancake balls in it last night. I might test some crazy stuff in it, like McGriddle Bites or mini corndogs. It's a cool little machine. I want to try out crepes (not in the donut-hole machine), but we don't have much to put in them right now. I've started eating Cream of Wheat, but cooked with milk instead of water. I always cooked it with water and made myself eat it, but now I love it with milk. Never realized how good it could be. And I have to figure out cool dishes with green beans and corn, because we have tons of cans of each.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Ginormous Shoes and Singin' at the Boardwalk
A few weeks ago, we met a local artist named Tomaso and invited him to church. That Sunday, he bicycled to church to deliver this. Unfortunately, he arrived about an hour after the services ended. We just got the picture yesterday. I think I'm the tall one, but I'm not blonde (no complaints, really).
We've been singing a lot down in Newburyport. We sing at the boardwalk and then hand out cards and pamphlets. Here's us at the boardwalk.
I found out a while ago that Haverhill used to have several really important shoe factories forever ago and that they have these giant, painted shoes all over. There are supposedly thirteen or fourteen of them, so I've started taking pictures with them.
Some of the shoes are actually inside buildings. This one is in an apartment building and we couldn't get in.
Miriam and a Transfer
I love it when people come to church! One of our investigators, Miriam, has come to church for the last two weeks and she's making friends like crazy. She even came to a baptism so she could see what it's like and then made even more friends at the open house afterwards. She's been keeping commitments to read the Book of Mormon, and every time we teach her she's like "Yeah, that's how I feel too." She is totally ready for baptism. Like on September 14. I think a lot of her dedication has to do with the fact that she came to church. If someone is willing to come to church, they're probably also willing to do a lot more.
Elder Jon Harrison Richins
Companionships are set every six weeks, and each six weeks is called a transfer. This week is transfers, and the trio gets broken up. Elder Pritchett and I go back to Haverhill full-time, and Elder Childers stays in Newburyport to train a new missionary. We'll still get to see him every week at church, but not every day. Working as a trio has its ups and downs; ups: you get to cook as a group and you have more people to work out with; downs: less shower time and people on the street get more nervous when they see three men in suits approaching them.
Well, not a whole lot to say about this week. I love y'all back home.Please don't tell Jon that I'm completely botching his blog- Love, Jon's Mom
This was actually the first e- mail Jon sent me, but somehow it got left out of the mix. So here it is! The lost letter...never before seen...
In advance, I would like to apologize for the lack of pictures. I took them, but my Kodak camera requires that I have Kodak software installed in order to get pictures from the internal memory.
In advance, I would like to apologize for the lack of pictures. I took them, but my Kodak camera requires that I have Kodak software installed in order to get pictures from the internal memory.
When I arrived at the Missionary Training Center (MTC) on Wednesday, I dropped my luggage off at my room, met my roommates for 2 minutes, picked up my study materials, met my companion (we preach the gospel 2x2), and started class. (Insert class picture here). Things go so fast here, it's crazy. Every day, we study upwards of 2.5 hours and go to class about 6 hours. There is so much to absorb, and it's all simple. It all focuses on our purpose as missionaries. "Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." So we've learned that it doesn't matter if a person is baptised if they don't come unto Christ. We've learned to care more about the people we will teach.
I really started to get it after my first visit to the Teaching Resource Center (TRC), where we do simulated visits with volunteers. Our volunteer (in real life we call them investigators because they are trying to find out about us) is Daniel Limon. He swore at us in the first visit. It went terribly. So the next day, we went back and apologized. It's all about how the investigator feels, not about who swore at who. He was more open to us that time, and we actually got to pray with him at the end of our visit. Yesterday, we got to leave him with a copy of the Book of Mormon and our testimony about how it can help him and his family. Even though we know he's an actor, we pray for him. One of the other companionships was less blessed. They were assigned to Erik, who just Bible-bashes the entire time. This means that he uses scriptural verses to fight, instead of listening to the Holy Spirit. It's really easy to get caught up in a fight like that because there's always a verse that will disprove what the other person is saying. We're not supposed to "prove" that the gospel is true. We bear our testimony of its truth so that the Holy Ghost can have a place in their hearts. We found out that the actor who plays Erik isn't a member of the church. He got this job so that he could bash new missionaries and discourage them. What really ends up happening is that the missionaries learn to keep trying to bring people to Christ. They learn a lot of patience. They learn to love someone who doesn't want to be loved.
Our teachers, Sister Grenfell and Brother Green, are the best I could ask for. They don't teach us directly; it's all on us to drive the lessons.
My companion is named Faelofani Talive Afemata. Elder Afemata is a big Samoan from Compton, California. He talks with every Polynesian he sees, and somehow knows all of their cousins. He's just a really funny guy, singing Rihanna all the time. I've tried to match him in every meal he eats, but it's tough. Elder Afemata has taught me so much already. He taught me to Keep It Simple, Stupid when we talk about the gospel. We do rock-paper-scissors every meal; winner gets to bless the food and thereby gets the lion's share of blessings until the next meal.
I only have a few more days here at the MTC. I leave Monday at 3:30 AM for Manchester, New Hampshire.
Well, my hour of computer time is up. Love you all, and I wish you the best of luck!
Elder Jon Harrison Richins
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